Yinhan He (贺胤涵) ☕️

Yinhan He (贺胤涵)

1st year ph.D. student in University of Virginia

University of Virginia

Institute of Automation(CAS)

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

👋 Hi, there! I’m Duber He, a first year ph.D. student from University of Virginia, Charlottesville.

Check out my resumé and portfolio below.


Spectral Graph Theory (in Chinese)

Videos I uploaded to Bilibili to introduce and discuss Spectral Graph theory, textbook is written by Fan Chung. Textbook Link:https://mathweb.ucsd.edu/~fan/research/revised.html


Some jokes quickly flashed in my mind (made by me haha)

Graduate Design

“Excellent Graduate Design” (10%) in both College of Mathematical Science and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Graph Theory and Graph Machine Learning Seminar

Graph Theory and Graph Machine Learning Seminar

This is a seminar I organized to offer a place for students who want to learn and discuss some basic topics in Graph Theory and Graph Machine Learning. I would put some links and materials for referencing.